Peace be to this house,
The Prologue to the book "Thy Kingdom Comes"
the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Genesis 1:1
My children were and are home
taught. We were not perfect nor professional teachers. Our methods
were constantly being modified as we learned to overcome our own
frailties, failings, and faults as parents and pedagogues to our
children. We learned from our children as our children learned from
us. We have been growing up together for years.
We realized that educating our
children is a right and, therefore, a responsibility. The reason
education is so important in the rearing of children is because, “If
a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization,
it expects what never was and never will be.”
take heed to thyself, and keep thy soul diligently, lest thou forget
the things which thine eyes have seen, and lest they depart from thy
heart all the days of thy life: but teach them thy sons, and thy
sons’ sons; De 4:9
Home teaching may have been a freedom
enjoyed by us, but it may not be by our children because many believe
as Peter Hoagland, the Nebraska State Senator, who stated that,
“Fundamental, Bible believing people do not have the right to
indoctrinate their children in their religious beliefs, because we,
the state, are preparing them for the year 2000, when America will be
part of a one-world global society and their children will not fit
That aforementioned global society is
here now because of treaties, alliances, trade agreements, borrowing
and debt, to say nothing of the applications and contracts of the
people. There are virtually no wholly sovereign nations left in the
world today.
Because we educated our children and
took the time to do so, we may see the world differently than many of
our publicly educated peers. Yes, we molded the minds of our children
as we molded also their bodies, but the experience clearly changed us
as well. We discovered many things about ourselves, the nature of
freedom and the responsibility of liberty. We also, being out of the
mainstream of life in the Americas, discovered much about the world
and its history, as well as its sophistries and changing
Some think that, by teaching your
children at home, you narrow their thinking. This can be true. But
teaching children modern mass-produced curriculum in a national
educational system can also have a decidedly constricting result.
In our efforts to educate our
children, we became collectors of school books of the past and
present. We began to discover an explicit difference between the
books used today and the older text books we found in second-hand
Besides a clear ‘dumbing down’,
there seemed to be a conscious distortion of history, both by the
progressive omission of certain facts and the all too frequent
misrepresentations and untruths. We have seen history steadily change
over the last 100 years in the modern published textbooks.
tell deliberate lies while genuinely believing in them, to forget any
fact that has become inconvenient, and then, when it becomes
necessary again, to draw it back from oblivion for just so long as it
is needed, to deny the existence of objective reality and all the
while to take account of the reality which one denies… It
systematically undermines the solidarity of the family…”
The mention of this Orwellian, modern
reality brings me to mention that the undermining solidarity of
the family by the canards of contemporary education has subverted
the nations, even the whole world and its perception.
“Who owns the youth owns
the future.”
Could “…our schools
have been scientifically designed to prevent over education from
happening?” Surely we would notice the changes. If we did notice the changes,
would we find the energy and method to act in preventing the
malignant mental malformation of our youth in public society or would
we just complacently croak a complaint in our morning coffee and
continue to submerge our children in a scorching mediocrity of adroit
history, rulers and court intellectuals have aspired to use the
educational system to shape their nations… One can see how
irresistible a vehicle the schools would be to … mold future
citizens early in life, to instill in them the proper reverence for
the ruling culture, and to prepare them to be obedient and obeisant
taxpayers and soldiers.”
Socrates offered advice to
kings in Plato’s Republic: “take all the children
from their parents and rid the city of adults.” Modern schools
have become closed cities where only the “qualified” are
allowed to instruct. Divergent or socially unacceptable opinions are
checked at the door or suppressed altogether.
believe there are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of
the people by gradual and silent encroachment of those powers than by
violent and sudden usurpations.”
Socrates again instructs men who would
be the ruling elite, “The young can’t distinguish what is
allegorical from what isn’t, and the opinions they absorb at
that age are hard to erase and apt to become unalterable”.
up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not
depart from it. Pr. 22:6
There were many other ideas that came
down to us through fatuous, but extolled, philosophers. Plato also
described a simple economic policy whereby no gold or silver shall be
owned by any citizen. It was not unlike the corvee’ system of
bondage used in Egypt where all the money of substance was held in
government treasuries or like the Israelites who built their golden
calf from the substance of the people. Such systems were designed to
control, bind, and subject the people.
Socrates reasoned for a form of
equality between the sexes. Women were to take part in the military,
performing tasks that are suited for them. Some of the other
“liberating” ideas included that wives and children
should be held in common and women will be permitted to have sex with
whomever they choose and vice versa. Men will have ‘no private
women, children, or servants.’ Land and property was to be
communized and the citizens' individual farm plot would be worked for
the good of the state. The State would be your new family and father.
The citizen does not own the
“beneficial use” of his property. If the use tax,
tribute, for the property is not paid annually, the one who has the
“legal title” can be punished with impunity by that civil
power. The property can be taken from him and given to someone who
will pay. The Lawgivers must assign magistrates and pass appropriate
laws to govern and control the enfranchised polis.
In the early American society, men
braved danger and death to obtain unencumbered land, free from the
dominion of tribute, with true and actual title:
ordinary citizen, living on his farm, owned in fee simple, untroubled
by any relics of Feudalism, untaxed save by himself, saying his say
to all the world in townmeetings, had gained a new self-reliance.
Wrestling with his soul and plow on week days, and the innumerable
points of the minister’s sermon on Sundays and meeting days, he
was becoming a tough nut for any imperial system to crack.”
Today, the plans of Socrates and Plato
rule the earth. Because of the comfort of their chains and their own
personal and national pride, many nations tenaciously cling to the
idea that they live in a free country. Nothing could be farther from
the truth.
Freedom is not synonymous with the
appearance of affluence or comfort. Affluence is an illusion when
debt is pervasive. The farther that men go from God, the more that
comfort becomes the god of men. Today, a new idea of ownership is
dictated more by Greek philosophers than by those early pioneers or
ancient prophets of God. Is no longer the land where the milk and
honey is our own.
ultimate ownership of all property is in the State: individual
so-called ‘ownership” is only by virtue of Government,
i.e. law amounting to mere user; and use must be in accordance with
law and subordinate to the necessities of the State.” Senate
Document No. 43 73rd Congress 1st Session. (Brown v. Welch supra).
Plato’s Republic was decidedly
different from other Republics. A pure Republic is a threat to the
ruling elite of the world. Functioning within the perfect law of
liberty it cannot be taught in schools.
In ancient times and these, there has
always been another group of inspired philosophers who preached a
different kind of government. Unlike Plato’s Republic, there was a system preached where people were “free
from things public”, Libera Res Publica.
In such systems, there was no central
government ruling over the people and making laws for them and
forcing them to pay tribute or labor for an administration who ruled
rather than served. There were leaders who served, but no ruling
elite. Such noble men were titular in their office.
“A state or nation in which the supreme power rests in all the
citizens… A state or nation with a president as its titular
head; distinguished from monarchy.”
Titular is defined as, “existing
in title or name only; nominal…” In a pure republic, the
leaders do not exercise authority by making laws and extracting
tribute and should not be confused with an indirect democracy,
whereby the majority of the leaders can take away the rights of the
people with an exercising authority.
In such a pure republic where the
people remained free, they also trained their children in their ways
so that, when they were older, they would not depart from them. On
the other hand, the rulers of the world trained the children of the
state for their own purposes.
take heed to thyself, and keep thy soul diligently, lest thou forget
the things which thine eyes have seen, and lest they depart from thy
heart all the days of thy life: but teach them thy sons, and thy
sons’ sons;” De 4:9
They also taught that ‘every man
should possess the land’ and live under ‘the perfect law of liberty’.
In that nation, ‘there was no king’ or ruling elite. Matrimony and the family was so sacred that
transgressing it was one of the most grievous violations of law.
Instead of a ruling elite regulating the people, there was a
ministerial group who had no personal estate. They were not
guaranteed a wage, but could only hope to receive compensation in the
form of tithing, according to their service.
One of the purpose of these ministers
of the people was to proclaim liberty throughout the land unto all
the inhabitants and return every man unto his possession, and return
every man unto his family.
Those who assume that philosophers
like Socrates and Plato were enlightened men may also assume that,
“It is the unquestioned right and imperative duty of every
enlightened government, in its character of parens patriae, to
protect and provide for the comfort and well-being of its
citizens.... The performance of this duty is justly regarded as one
of the most important governmental functions, and all constitutional
limitations must be so understood and construed so as not to
interfere with its proper and legitimate exercise.” But such assumption opens another Greek paradigm, a Pandora’s
box of power and confusion.
Governments have nothing to give or
provide to the people unless they first receive it from the people.
How the government obtains the contributions of the people is the
difference between a free state under liberty or one of tyranny by
mobs or despots.
The power to impose a tribute or an
excise tax on the people, is a patrimonial right of government
under Parens Patriae. “Parens patriae literally
means ‘parent of the country’ and refers to the
traditional role of the state as sovereign and guardian of persons
under legal disability.” The state and its ruling leaders become the Father of the people as
the people relinquish rights and responsibilities, once enjoyed by
the individual free man. “Parens patriae originates from
the English common law where the King had a royal prerogative to act
as guardian for persons under a legal disability such as infants and
those mentally ill. In the United States, the parens patriae function
belongs with the states.”
In essence a legal disability is one where the individual as a person is no longer in a whole and
natural state or status. With the relinquishment or assignment of
rights and responsibilities, an individual becomes a person under
“legal disabilities” with incumbent duties and
limitations. They are no longer whole. A more detailed examination
has been extensively addressed in the book, The Covenants of the
The words, parens patriae, are Latin terms that reach back into the time of Christ when the
Emperor was the Patronus or Our Father, the Senators
were addressed Patri, Father, and the new order of the Pax
Romana was desiring to rule the world. With greater and greater
influence from those Greeks, the power of the Roman world soon came
in conflict with the teachings of the prophets of the Old Testament
and their government. This was a time when everyone knew that
tribute, excise tax, and income tax was based on the patrimonial right of the king or government as benefactor was standing in the
position of Father. They expanded their power through the
offer of benefits and maintained it with the sword.
Then came a man called Jesus, who
said, “And call no [man] your father upon the earth: for one
is your Father, which is in heaven.” Matthew 23:9
This Jesus, this Christ, this Messiah,
or Anointed King, had another plan other than that of Socrates and
Plato. The government of Israel, which had been the kingdom of God
for centuries, had changed and corrupted the ancient way. The Jews
had become Hellenized by the influence of the Greeks and the Romans.
John the Baptist, Jesus, and His apostles preached a kingdom at hand
that was decidedly different in form and policy than that of the
dominant forms of government of its day. The people applied to Rome
and the citizens of Judea began to apply to Herod for benefits. Many
governments , including the United States (U.S.C.
15 Chapt. 1, Sec. 15), rely heavily upon the authority of parens patria. “The
real destroyers of the liberties of the people is he who spreads
among them bounties, donations and benefits.” The people have forgotten that, “He who
receives the benefit should also bear the disadvantage.” They have forgotten the meaning of Exodus 20:17, 23:32, Psalms 69:22,
119:36, Proverbs 23, 28:16, Matthew 5:34, Matthew 19:17, John 14:15,
James 5:12, Romans 11:9, Hebrews 13:5, 2 Peter 2:3.... and much more
being deceived.
John preached a kingdom where benefits
came from the members by way of charity and choice not by
entitlements and coercion. He told men that, if you have two coats
and your neighbor has none, then share with him your extra coat. He
preached a different government.
When the people asked Jesus how to
apply for benefits in His kingdom, He said that they were to pray to
Our Father, Who art in Heaven, not the Father in Rome or Herod in Jerusalem.
Israel was a kingdom, a form of
government instituted by God. It was to have no central ruler elected
by the voice of the people, but was very effective for centuries
until the people rejected God and strayed from His precepts.
The Pharisees and Sadducee, at the
time of Christ, rejected the ways of the original kingdom According
to large groups at that time those ministers of the kingdom had
mistranslated, misunderstood, and misinterpreted the ancient text.
The mysteries of that kingdom had been hidden, twisted, and even
stamped out from the mind and memory of men throughout the ages.
Jesus preached that kingdom which was
different than other governments. It was a kingdom of faith, not
force; charity, not control; hope, not entitlements. It operated in
liberty for and by the people under God.
From the fall of mankind until today,
there has been two kinds of government on earth. One is established
by temptation and force and the other by love and charity.
I must agree with one thing stated by
Plato, “And the one man that dares to tell the truth is called
at once a lunatic and a fool.”
Today, we are dealing with the
education or reeducation of children in public and private schools.
That practice did not begin with your children, but with your parents
and grand parents. If centuries of misrepresentations have been
taught, then the very foundation of our understanding is subverted.
Each generation is moved farther and farther from the truth until all
are lost in a labyrinth of lies and cauldron of deception. The whole
world lives under the clouds of a strong delusion. There are scales
that must be removed and light that must be revealed for the truth to
awaken in us all.
must look at all things anew.

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Thy Kingdom Comes