Chapter 2. Abraham Uncivilized
Part 6 Abraham and the Family
the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy
country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house,
unto a land that I will shew thee:” Genesis 12:1
Abraham knew the importance of family
but his father kept diluting the position of the family by seeking
the protection of the Patronus of a City-State. That
protection had its advantage and disadvantages. It incurred all the
protection, but lost liberty; it had charity, but condemned
discretion; it pooled the power of men, but not the wisdom of God in
their hearts.
If Abraham
would separate and live as God intended, God promised to bless
Abraham and make him a blessing to others. This offer is extended to
all men through God’s offer of Faith in Him and, eventually,
through His Son.
I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make
thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:” Genesis 12:2
More than a blessing, Abraham would be
a dividing mark in the history and the nature of man’s
relationship with God Almighty and His Laws and the rulers of men and
their laws. He would become a blessing and a curse depending upon our
interconnection with the God of Abraham or the institution of men.
I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee:
and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.” Ge.
Many of the
religious faiths of humankind claim Abraham as the originator of
their chosen faith. Yet, do men walk in the pathways of Abraham? The
Hindus, Buddhists, Moslems, Jews, and even Christians can trace their
beginnings to his influence, words, or deeds.
What have they forgotten?
Have men lost
sight of the message of Abraham the prophet? Have they forgotten the
ways of the God of Abraham? Have they left the household of Adam and
entered the city of Cain? Have they lost their way in the labyrinth
of lies constructed by the adversaries of God the Father?
Jesus said unto him, This day is salvation come to this house,
forsomuch as he also is a son of Abraham. For the Son of man is come
to seek and to save that which was lost.” Luke 19:9-10
Which household have men chosen? Which
dominion, which path have they clung to? Have the foundations of
modern societies been based upon the precepts of God or upon the
methods of Cain, Nimrod, Pharaoh, and the elected Emperors of Rome?
we want better people to make a better world, then we will have to
begin where people are made --- in the family.”
he lost his way and departed from the grace of God’s dominion,
His Kingdom?
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Thy Kingdom Comes