Romans 13
gods many
Eternal life and
Turning the other Cheek
Gary & Joan wrote concerning Romans
13 and "Clergy Response Teams":
“I may not know everything about the bible but I
have just a couple of questions: Did Jesus mention something about we
are all gods? Second: Did he say something about eternal life not
being here on earth and to turn your cheek rather fight those who
think they control you?” G & J
Dear G & J,
In John 10:34 “Jesus answered
them, 'Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?'”
The words in the old [Hebrew] and new
[Greek] Testaments, which we see translated as "gods" or
"God" were used everyday to address judges in courts of
law. They both mean a "ruling judge".
Even the Strong's Concordance states
that both words we translate God and gods were used to
identify judges and magistrates in courts in the
governments established by men at the time. This is why Paul says
"There are gods many".
The word commonly translated God or gods in the Old Testament is translated judges in
Exodus 21:6, 22:9, and 1 Samuel 2:25 when the Bible is specifically
talking about matters that require a court decision concerning guilt
or innocence.
Israel was originally a free nation with
a system of courts and appeals courts, foundational laws that forbid
killing, robbery, unjust injuring by fraud or negligence and even
desiring to have access to your neighbors goods for your personal
They had a system of general and
individual welfare, armies for local and national defense. They had
all that, but unlike modern governments it was originally based on
voluntarism, individual responsibility to family and neighbor and a
strong sense of moral justice, mercy, and unselfish honesty.
Moses had required that the people love
their neighbor as themselves. This of course is an essential characteristic of any successful free
government. Christ preached the same exact thing for His kingdom of
God at hand.
The reason for this is because God is
the same yesterday as he is today. Moses and Jesus were in agreement. It is the Pharisees and Sadducees
that did not understand Moses.
A problem arises today because most
people, including modern Christians, imagine that Israel was based on
the misconceptions of the Pharisees, who clearly got it wrong. The
kingdom of God is a system of self government based on faith, hope
and charity coming forth from the hearts and minds of those who seek
“I often wonder whether we do not rest our hopes
too much upon constitutions, upon laws, and upon courts. These are
false hopes; believe me, these are false hopes. Liberty lies in the
hearts of men and women; when it dies there, no constitution, no law,
no court can save it....”
The kingdom of God binds the people
together by that common love of God and His righteousness rather than
oaths of allegiance, contracts, and leagues of nations, all of
which were forbidden by Abraham, Moses and Jesus the Christ. It does not depend on complex or superstitious doctrines, catchy
phrases but upon actively loving your neighbor in congregations of
people with a common heart and mind given them by God. The kingdom
and its precepts sustained the early Christians as Rome collapsed
under the weight of its own corruption and power hungry leaders.
If we could understand what the early
Christians were really doing, then some people today might have the
same chances and opportunities given to the early Church by the
teachings of Christ. In order to seek the kingdom and God's
righteousness we need to understand what it is.
To understand the full message of Christ
and to apply it today in our life we may have to turn your world
upside down and your preconceived notions about the Bible inside out.
Judges or gods are those men who
have the right to decide the law for you, i.e. what is good and what
is evil. In early Israel, when it was still a free government, the
people decided both fact and law through their congregations
of tens which formed the network of courts throughout their nation.
There was no top down rule where kings became the “fountainhead
of justice”.
That is what Christ meant when he answered them, “Is it not
written in your law'”.
Over and over in the faithful
governments of God, men are given the right to choose, to make free
will offerings and live without any kings or gods ruling over them. And when the voice of the people chose a ruler who could exercise authority over them, it was called a rejection of God.
They were also warned to make no
covenants with the gods of those nations where they went. When you make covenants with those gods they may have the right to
force your sacrifices or contributions even though this as been
classified as foolish. And you might even be tempted to accept the benefits offered by those gods which men choose for themselves.
These gods of men are the judges and law
makers of governments made by the hands of men who gain power over others because men apply for benefits, make
covenants, leagues, and agreements. Men are tempted to do this
because benefactors who exercise authority offer benefits for their welfare but only at the expense of their neighbor. This makes them
merchandise and
snares them in the process.
The Bible often uses other metaphors
like tables, eating with rulers, dainties, and nets to warn us of how damning it may be to apply or participate in any
benefit schemes that are provided at the expense of our neighbor.
Christ's kingdom was and is at hand. But
it is not for the slothful.
It is for the diligent and those who are faithful do what God has always told us to do. This kingdom of liberty granted and instituted by God is what we are
told to preach. In that government people live according to the perfect law of
liberty and have a right to decide the 'fact and law” within the
foundational laws of God called the Ten Commandments.
In the United States system of courts,
juries used to decide fact and law. But today the people are
instructed by the judge to decide facts only and he, as the
"god of the court", decides the law. There are many other
gods today, from Local, District Courts, and Appellate Courts up to
the Supreme Court, and now even the World Court.
These courts have power because we have
neglected to exercise our community responsibilities. We have been
covetous of their benefits and we have signed agreements where we
must bow down and serve these gods.
When judges in court have the right to
decide the law and the people don't, then the people are no longer
gods as Christ said and God intended. The people are subject to the
will of other gods.
In early America the jury clearly
had the right and duty to decide fact and law, but that is not the
case presented anymore by the modern administrative courts today.
How did this happen?
in the world but not of it
First, the people did and do not
follow the words of Abraham, Moses or Christ, although many give lip
service on Saturday or Sunday.
Jesus does talk about "eternal
life" but mostly in the context of what you are supposed to "do"
to obtain it.
"And, behold, one came and said unto him, Good Master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life? And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments. He saith unto him, Which? Jesus said, Thou shalt do no murder, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, Honour thy father and thy mother: and, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself." Matthew 19:16, 19
Loving your neighbor would include not coveting his goods or oppressing or forcing him to contribute to your welfare. It would also include being concerned that no one else oppressed him or took away the liberty that God has given men from the beginning.
If you believe in and love Christ you will love and
believe in the ways of Christ and enjoy doing the things He said to
do. The kingdom of God is essentially a spiritual state, but Christ
came in Spirit and in truth. Like Moses he came to set us on a path
to liberty under God because that is where true spiritual growth will
Jesus did say:
“... My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom
were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not
be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.”
John 18:36
We should not apply this commonly
misunderstood statement which Jesus made in the Roman court of Pilate
as to mean that His kingdom was not on this planet. He said over and
over that His kingdom was at hand, it was for the living not the
dead, and then appointed it and told others to preach it was at hand.
If you read this article you will see the word world has nothing to do with being on
earth or on this planet. This is another falsehood exposed that will
continue to turn your world right side up or upside down depending on
if you love God and His kingdom of liberty.
Your Cheek Rather Fighting
As to not striking back or fighting He
also said that if you do not have a sword you should sell your coat
and go get one. We must put turning the other cheek into perspective.
Christ was a king who stood for peace
and forgiveness, not force and violence. But to stand by and do
nothing while innocent people are being murdered or even just robbed
is an act of violence in itself.
We are told to strive and be diligent and that there is a burden to this seeking the
kingdom. The problem is that we are often quick to fight and blame
others for our own failing. The present condition of society is a
direct result of the fact that we have not actively been concerned
with our neighbors rights as we are with our own. In fact we have
been content to take away our neighbors liberties for our own welfare
and under the pretense of social security. This sloth and covetous
social practice is in opposition to liberty.
The articles on Romans 13 are
merely showing everyone that Paul was actually saying.
“Let every soul be
subject unto the higher liberty.
For there is no liberty but of God: the liberties that be are ordained of God.
Whosoever therefore resisteth the liberty,
resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall
receive to themselves damnation. For rulers are not a terror to good
works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the liberty?
Do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same.”
Romans 13: 1,3
If you are not actively seeking liberty
for all then you are in opposition to God. It is God's desire that we
set our neighbors free from the tyranny of our own demand for social
welfare. It is good to care for the social needs of our society, but
this should be done by benefactors who operate by faith, hope, and
charity under the perfect law of liberty, not by force and fear.
Social Democrats think we should take
care of the social welfare by forcing contributions of the people
through benefactors who exercise authority over the people, but Jesus
clearly said:
"... The kings of the Gentiles exercise lordship
over them; and they that exercise authority upon them are called
benefactors. But ye shall not be so:" Luke
It does not matter if one is
politically Republican or Democrat. Both believe that social or
defense benefactors should have the right to force the contributions
of the people to fulfill their responsibilities of office even though
the Bible states that such political ideology and practice is
"foolish" and amounts to "rejecting" God.
“Pure religion and undefiled before God and the
Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their
affliction, [and] to keep himself unspotted from the world.” James
Modern churches not only fail to
practice "pure religion" which is the caring for the
welfare of widows, orphans and other needy of society by faith, hope,
and charity, but they actually send their members to those
benefactors of the world who exercise authority over the people
compelling their offerings. This practice gives men power over the
people contrary to the ways of the prophets of God.
The word “world” in James
1:27 and John 18:36 is defined as “an apt and harmonious
arrangement or constitution, order, government.” Jesus' kingdom
was not a part of the world order of Rome and Rome's court had no
jurisdiction concerning His government.
“The real destroyers of the liberties of the people
is he who spreads among them bounties, donations and benefits.”
Plutarch, 2000 years ago.
The loss of freedom anywhere in the
world is always a direct result of our own avarice and sloth, pride
and prejudice, envy and arrogance, and our general inability or
willingness to come together in the interest of justice and mercy for
others as well as our selves. This is as hard for people to accept
today as it was in the days of Christ. The understanding and
knowledge that we are to blame for the present state of the world
turns our world upside down, and puts the burden back on our own
The truth hurts. It is very hard for
people to accept that their religion is a lie and their churches are
being used to delude them into feeling good about opposing the very
liberty Abraham, Moses, and Jesus the Christ came to give us. But if
we are going to regain access to our God given rights we are going to
have to take back our God given responsibilities first. If we are
going to seek the kingdom and His righteousness we are going to have
to learn the whole truth about the gospel of the kingdom.
Peace on your house
Gregory at hisholychurch.org